FGC, CDFW, WCRB, PFMC and other agency meetings of note.
Upcoming Meetings
February 12th-13th CA FGC
Items of interest.
#18 State Water Resources Control Board: Providing water for fish and wildlife and their habitats.
We recommend general comments that salmon closures are the direct consequence of harmful water policies, and not the result of fishing activity, that the SWRCB can and should correct. The FGC needs to advocate for California’s native species and the people and businesses that depend on them.
#19 Recreational take of Ocean salmon and Pacific halibut
State general support for a recreational salmon season as the escapement number allow. Feel free to mention the closed season over the last two years. There was a harvestable surplus forecast in 2024 but the CDFW guidance was to not allow Californians to acess these fish, anglers needed to travel to Oregon to catch them. Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, urge support for a bubble fishery in state waters to target Mokelumne fish. We should be vocal about the bubble fishery.