How to Win Friends and Influence People-VHF Radio Channels

Use this helpful list to understand what VHF Radio Channels correspond to which areas. Polite chatter and useful intel are always appreciated. Visit the full list at the bottom and as always don’t forget to check the weather!

9- Bodega
09-Primary Channel for bridges on the Delta
10-Out of Noyo
11-Santa Cruz/Monterey
13-The Montezuma Lock monitors this channel
19-Half Moon Bay/Coastside in general
67-GG Charter Boats
68-Inside SF Bay and the GG
69-Kayak Anglers
88-San Pablo Bay

68,69, 71, 72, 78 – These are the proper channels to use for vessel to vessel communications
27, 28, & 86 -Stockton Marine operator – upriver from Pittsburg
26, 84, & 87 -San Francisco Marine Operator – downriver/Susuin from Martinez to San Francisco Bay and beyond

Full list