Coast Side Fishing Club Summer MEMBERS FREE Fishing Trip – August 11th, 2024
We’re excited to announce a summer MEMBERS fishing trip hosted by the Coastside Fishing Club! Join us!
Trip Details: Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2024
Location: Clipper Yacht Harbor, 310 Harbor Dr, Sausalito
Boat: Outer Limits Website:
Boarding Time: 5:30 AM – Boat will depart promptly at 6:00 AM
Return Time: Approximately 12:00 PM
Dear Coastside Fishing Club Members,
Coastside Fishing Club is sponsoring a trip on the bay. You are invited to join us for an unforgettable fishing adventure on Sunday, August 11th, 2024!
We’ll be exploring the bountiful waters of the San Francisco Bay aboard the Outer Limits Party Boat. The Outer Limits is a 54 foot long and 20 feet wide Catamaran located in Sausalito.
Come Aboard!
Prepare to reel in some fantastic catches and create lasting memories with your family and fellow club members. Please ensure you arrive promptly at the boat by 5:30 AM to ensure an early departure and maximize our fishing time.
Light Snacks and drinks will be provided.
Sign up Here
Please note that if demand exceeds the boat’s capacity, we will conduct a lottery to allocate spots fairly.
What to know about the 2023-2024 Rockfishing Season!
Deciphering the 2023-2024 Rock Fishing Regulations. Depth Restrictions, Species Identification and Closures. Check your management area for specific rules.
San Francisco Management Area – (Ocean waters between 38°57.5′ N. latitude (Point Arena) and 37°11′ N. latitude (Pigeon Point)
May 15-July 15 2023. 50 fathoms or deeper only. No Inshore fishing or retention of inshore species.
July 16-December 31 2023. All depths open to fishing.
Central Management Area – (Ocean waters between 37°11’N. latitude (Pigeon Point) and 34°27′ N. latitude (Point Conception))
May 1- September 30 2023. All depths open to fishing.
October 1-December 31 2023. 50 fathoms or deeper only. No Inshore fishing or retention of inshore species.
To clarify, at the start of the season.
North of Pigeon Point from May 15 – July 15
South of Pigeon Point May 1 -September 30
Important to remember that no inshore fish are allowed to be kept when inshore fishing is closed, regardless of what depth they were caught. Emphasizing that it doesn’t matter if you caught a blue or a black in deeper than 50 fathoms, no retention of inshore species allowed.
How can I tell which species are inshore and which are slope and shelf?
Im so glad you asked. Here are some ID cards provided by CDFW, ODFW and Recfin to help with identification. Not only are there ID cards for Inshore, Shelf and Slope rockfish, there are also some for the Copper, Quillback and Vermillion among others. The individual species ID cards include several variations in color and appearance for each species. There are a few that are helpful in comparing and contrasting
Ok, So now I know what I can fish for and when? How can I find the 50 Fathom line?
Keep in mind it does not follow the contour line! Check you local waypoints!
Here is a link to the waypoints from Canada to Mexico.
Here is another link to the NOAA list of the same.
Now that we are catching all these deepwater fish, how do we safely release them? (Yes, they can be safely released!!!). Stay tuned for more information about barotrauma. Coastside has an interesting history of involvement in influencing the use of descending devices to create more fishing opportunity for all.
Here is a great barotrauma video, served with extra cheese lol.
Check out our Greybeard Articles on Rockfishing for additional info!
Check out the Mendocino, Northern and Southern Management Area rules here.
Join us for the exciting Coastside Fishing Club swap meet! Upgrade your gear and stock up on all the essential fishing equipment you need for your next big catch. With a huge selection of rods, reels, lures, hooks, line, nets, tackle boxes, bait, waders, and much more, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to save big. Get rid of or get your new favorite fishing gear! Don’t let this chance slip away, come and join the fun with other passionate fishing enthusiasts on Saturday March 9th( March 16th rain date) 8am-3pm
Time to clean out those garages, sheds and basements. Bring all your old gear down to the 2023 Coastside Fishing Club Swap Meet.
Bring those rods, reels, plugs, flashers, gaffs, line, jigs, swim baits, tuna gear, salmon gear, rockfish gear, boat gear, electronics, memorabilia, outdoor gear, foul weather gear, safety gear, traps, line, floats, or anything else you can think of.
Coastside Fishing Club Swap Meet

Free for members, $25 for non members. Grill Crew will be onsite.
- Time 8am-3pm
- Date Saturday, March 9th
- *Rain Alternative March 16th
- Location Pillar Point Upper Parking lot (southernmost lot)
- Grill Crew providing lunch ~ Noon
- Come for the company, leave with a bunch of gear.

Coastside Fishing Club 2022 Sponsor List
Take a moment to support those who support the club and it’s work.
A big thank you to our returning sponsors and a giant shout out to our new sponsors! We appreciate your contributions and continued support.
Ongoing and new sponsorship of the Bay Area’s oldest online fishing club continues to help provide support for our site, the forum, fishing reports, lobbying and advocacy activities as well as social activities like the Spring swap meet and Annual Dinner.
2022 Annual Dinner Registration is now open!!!
Ticket sales are open for the 2022 Annual Dinner at the San Mateo Elks Lodge.

Swap Meet 3/5
Our annual swap meet will be held on March 5th from 8am-4pm in the Pillar Point launch ramp trailer lot. The event is open to the public but if you would like a space to sell some gear, you’ll need to be a paid member. Always a fun time looking for some used gear and chatting with other fisherman. The grill crew will be cooking up their famous burgers and dogs!
Help Needed!
As you may or may not know, Coastside is an all-volunteer organization. Some aspects of the club run smoothly, and our goals are accomplished year after year. Other areas are the opposite. IT support isn’t at the other end of the spectrum, but its close. We have a couple people working with our new vendor helping to manage the site but we’re a little overwhelmed. Someone with some basic website knowledge would be a welcome addition. Additionally, our CRN (Coastside Radio Network) is currently in the redevelopment stages and we need help getting it across the finish line. If you have some basic IT skills and would like to volunteer your time, please send me a message. Don’t be shy! You’ll earn some points from the fish gods and maybe even meet some new fishing buddies.